The books we recommend you to read this fall…
At Leidar we love to read. Here are our recommended books for the summer and early fall.
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
By Susain Cain
Whether introvert or extrovert, I believe everyone can learn something from this book. Susain Cain highlights how society is built for extroverts to succeed, all the way from kindergarten to throughout your career. How those who are loud are the ones that are heard. How those who jump are the ones who are seen. But the world needs those who listen as well. Those who ponder, reflect and analyze. According to Cain, the office space needs to adjust to make room for those who might not ask for it themselves, because they might just be exactly what you need to succeed.
Recommended by: Pernille Stensli
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
By Yuval Noah Harari
Why was our species more successful than the neanderthals? How have we spread to each corner of the globe? Harari presents compelling answers: Homo sapiens have been successful because we can imagine things. When I go about my day, I blindly accept the institutions that support our modern lives. To name a few: the concept of time, money, and the rule of law. The most interesting question Harari poses: Did we cultivate wheat – or did wheat cultivate us? Read this book if you have ever wondered about how you came to be.
Recommended by Peder Krøgenes
The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us
James W. Pennebaker
What do the words we use say about us? More importantly, why do seemingly insignificant word classes like pronouns and prepositions say the most about us? Armed with his trusty, word-counting computer program, Pennebaker takes us through examples of the pieces of writing he has analyzed, and the fascinating insights that can be generated merely by looking at the words we use.
Recommended by Peder Krøgenes
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World
By Adam Grant
This book helps entrepreneurs get a better feeling about whether their ideas should be pursued or not and if so, it gives them the confidence to implement them. The author gives the right balance between “go for your dream” and “don’t run full speed into the wall” in business. At the same time, it has plenty of anecdotes about pitching ideas. A must-read!
Recommended by: Aline Benoit
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
By Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen, Roger Fisher
The conversations we need to have the most are often the most difficult; not because of the facts, but because of the emotions. The authors from the Harvard Negotiation Project help the reader decipher the form of a difficult conversation, ask the right questions, and find what elements you can agree on. A recommended read on our journey to solve the complex problems that our world faces.
Ingrid Helsingen Warner
Senior Advisor, International Communications, based in Oslo
Ingrid is currently on maternity leave. At Leidar she supports internationally-minded leaders and companies with their positioning and thought leadership activities.