Advocacy Lab: a new approach for organisational influence
The new post-Brexit Europe, sustainability, environmental concerns.
These are coming together, with Covid-19, to change the entire social, political and economic landscape.
It’s business as unusual. And it’s increasingly difficult to navigate, requiring organisations to develop new agile strategies.
We need different ways of thinking about communications, public affairs and marketing. Integration creates new opportunities for engagement and alignment between organisational and the broader societal agenda.
Trust is becoming the new currency and corporate reputation the most important asset.
Success in the recovery will depend on the ability to create emotional connections with clients, customers and consumers. All our stakeholders, in fact.
Our new report explores the nature of this shift and its consequences for organisational strategies.
For the public affairs function to be effective, all related aspects need to be managed in a holistic manner. Marketing, communications and public affairs must be aligned and united.
In order to influence, it’s crucial understand the stakeholders, which includes understanding their issues (pains), needs (gains) and perceptions. Once this has been achieved, only then is it possible to effectively develop engagement strategies that influence behaviours and policy processes. Complex issues require thought-through solutions.
By combining multi-tool, multi-channel methodologies to develop actionable insights, we deliver strategies that work. We believe that shaping the discourse boosts organisational goals and performance.
This holistic approach is the foundation of Advocacy Lab: driving integrated influence management. There are several distinctive features of our approach, which translate into more effective and efficient solutions for the clients.
Matrix approach: transversal competencies and sectorial expertise
We defined four strategic competencies that are needed to run a successful advocacy campaign:
- An insight-driven approach
- A strong narrative, connecting with those who matter
- A sustainability consideration
- A process to smooth strategy implementation
These are supported by sectorial expertise and networks, which are necessary to build effective coalitions and support strategies with the knowledge of the industry.
An ecosystem instead of a team
We don’t have a static team. Instead, the teams are always built according to the needs of the issue we are addressing. By using an ecosystem of knowledge, we guarantee the best expertise for each of the assignments.
Agility and speed
Being powered by Leidar means that there is a possibility to engage surge capacity according the needs of an assignment at very short notice. It also provides access to expertise from all communication domains.
Strategy supported by big and small data
We believe in data-driven approaches. However, strategy should be powered by data and not the reverse. We use our multi-tool methodologies to deliver meaningful insights.
Design thinking
Going beyond the echo chamber and delivering impact requires us to challenge ways of thinking. We prototype advocacy ideas to build and constantly refine our methodologies.
Think tank for science and craft of influence
We build research to develop better approaches in public affairs around three axes:
- Organisational leadership
- Sustainability and ESG integration
- Digital influence
We will publish our reports and develop open forums for discussion together with our partners (academic institutions and leading professional associations).
Robust measurement
Being outcome driven, we use measurement and evaluation frameworks to ensure we are on target with all agreed strategies.
Lukasz Bochenek
Managing Director / Deputy CEO, based in Geneva
Lukasz is Managing Director for Switzerland, Belgium and UK offices as well as deputy CEO for Leidar. He oversees key international client projects and relationships. In addition, he manages external partnerships and memberships of Leidar.