Tag: Advocacy
A list of articles based on the selected tag.
Trade associations in Brussels have to recalibrate their advocacy approach
Activating intuition through simplicity
ESG for public affairs and advocacy practitioners
How design can support your advocacy strategy
Advocacy Lab: a new approach for organisational influence
If it’s so obvious, why do we still get it wrong?
Advocacy in the time of pandemic…and beyond
Straightening the lines of advocacy
When “soft stuff” suddenly becomes core
We are all advocates, or should be at least
The rise of advocacy as a major discipline
From narrative through discourse to regulation
Leidar strengthens its film capabilities
A vision, plain English and difficult conversations
The power of the pamphlet
Myths and facts about lobbying
Public affairs? – think advocacy instead
Effective advocacy in the international system
Advocates ready to make a difference
Advocacy – it’s all about integrated engagement