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Rebuilding Trust at WEF


We’re looking forward to being back at the SDG Tent in snowcapped Davos in just one month! The 54th World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting will reconvene under the theme of Rebuilding Trust, from 15-19 January 2024.  

For nearly 20 years, the SDG Tent and its predecessor, the World Food Programme Tent, have brought business, civil society, and the public sector together to promote sustainability and the role of business in society. The tent has since become a principal side event during WEF, providing a welcoming space for discourse outside of the security zone. 

As the SDG Tent’s official communications partner, Leidar supports with building the Tent’s programme and handling communications. We also help organizations and CEOs to strengthen and amplify their presence on the ground in Davos.  

Over the last three years, we have hosted our own events at the tent, discussing how business can navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues and build trust with stakeholders.  

As the SDG Tent’s official communications partner, Leidar supports with building the Tent’s programme and handling communications.

Over the course of 2023, the issue of trust has become increasingly prevalent. A year ago, WEF explored the notion of resilience amidst polycrisis, since then new geopolitical fractures have overshadowed existing ones, and the cost-of-living crisis continues to rise while global food and energy security becomes more precarious.   

In a rapidly evolving landscape these exponentially occurring issues receive less and less bandwidth as one crisis replaces the next in the public eye. Can we steer away from this state of ‘permacrisis’ and towards a time of resolution? 

Through the SDG Tent we have seen the enormous potential that is generated when such a diverse group of people come together to seek concrete solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Now that Davos is adopting a ‘back to basics’ approach for constructive conversations that would achieve security for a fragmented world, we’ve decided to embrace the spirit of cooperation.  

Leidar will be hosting a panel discussion on Wednesday, January 17th from 5:30-7pm.  


We hope to see you there!


Fatima John-Sandoz

Head of Geneva Team, based in Geneva

Fatima joined Leidar in 2019 and heads up the Geneva team. In her role, she helps a range of companies and organizations respond to global challenges.

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